About Us

                                  Hello everyone:

                                  I'm Maisha Sharma, a girl from books to looks ... :)          

Well if you talk about me then i'm super duper fashion lover, gym-a-holic girl, shop-a-holic, partyholic, music lover and long list to gooo... I take life as it comes because, then it become easier to survive and live. I'm bit creative too who likes to try to and make sumthing out of the waste stuff. I am colourfull too who loves to try al the weirdo colours which i think they look more cool and chic like fluroscent green, bright yellow etc...

 I started blogging four days back and so far i am likinig and enjying it..sharing my thoughts, my style , my way with you guys and learning something from you guys. Such tits-bits knowledge in fashion always help and keep you updated also. Aniways here i would be sharing everything that could be great help to you like home remedies, what to wear and what not to, new products and their reviews and more....

                       Feel free write to me for suggestions and feedback at              themaishasharma@gmail.com  I would love to hear from you.

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